As I have committed myself to do at least 5 days a week of exercise, I went on my walk today during lunch hour. It was one of those days that the oomph was not there. Even though I left at 11:45 it was already 86 F degrees and my body was not completely sold on the idea of walking up the canyon in the heat. I thought about running the stairs, but I would rather be outside in a slight breeze and hot than climbing up the stairs in the COB. (Bear with me - I am going somewhere with this story)
In the past as I have walked up the canyon I have noticed that either you have a partner to talk to as you walk/run or you have headphones stuck in your ears. I have been the odd man out. I don't mind listening to music while exercising especially at the gym, but I really enjoy the sounds of the outdoors. Plus, I like to be able to hear if there is a biker or runner approaching. The last thing I want is to be involved in a collision or a wreck. (this is all going to tie together - trust me)
A couple of years ago I won a Zune MP3 player. I have never loaded it up with music. Don't know why - just haven't had a real use for it. Until a few weeks ago - my coworkers encouraged me to try my walk with music. So I finally loaded my player with a few "pop music" songs that have a good quick beat to it. I only place one of the ear pieces as I still like to hear what is going on around me. Believe it or not, the music helps me keep a good pace, has improved my time and sometimes even gives me a little boost.
So back to today. I was getting to the point in my routine that I had to climb back up the 70+ stairs. I thought I could go around and just skip them today, but nope - I decided if I am going to make the effort I am doing it all the way! It just so happened, at that very moment, a song came on that totally gave me the "turbo" boost that I needed to jog up those stairs. And I completed the routine in great time and felt better for it.
I bet you are all wondering what song that was? I will tell you - it was Holding out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler which was the most recent addition to my play list. We had watched the movie Bandits while my brother was here visiting. One of the scene's in it has Cate Blanchett preparing this amazing dinner for her jerk husband as she listens/dances to this song. This scene totally reminded my how much I liked this song and how good it would be on my playlist. If you haven't had a chance to watch the movie - I would recommend it. One of my favorites.
So what music gives you the boost you need or what do you like to work out listening to? Here is what is currently on my playlist. I am always open for suggestions
Telephone - Lady Gaga
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Mr. Brightside - Killers
Honey Honey - Abba
Somebody Told Me - Killers
My Life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson
Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard
Crazy Train - Ozzy Ozborne
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Naturally - Selena Gomez - Remix
Holding out for a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
Carry on my Wayward Son - Kansas
Runaway - Bon Jovi
If I can't have you - Kelly Clarkson
I know - maybe I am a little to old to be listening to some of these artists and yes - some of the songs have inappropriate lyrics, but the beat of a good song can do a girl some good!
Ta Ta for now