Salt Lake City has the worst air quality in the whole country. Ugh! I look out the 19th floor window at work and can see the thick air that we have to breathe everyday. Oh, it looks gross. I pray for wind or a good storm to come through and get rid of it. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow night - lets just hope it is enough to clear the air.
We have found a place to live.
We are putting on a skit at work for a 2 hour meeting we have this week. Hopefully, it will break up a very mundane meeting. We made it through skit practice today. I dont' ususally like to embarrass myself, but this is going to be a whopper. I will be so glad when this is over.
I finished another book today - Mortal Friends by Jane Hitchcock. Not a bad mystery. I thought I had it completely figured out, but I was way off. Language - not too bad. The plot didn't stay real close the the original murder mystery, but it had a lot of social intrigue. A "girl" mystery book. I call in chic brain candy. I would recommend it for anyone needing a break from real life.
Well, I am off to practice lines and then take Riley for a walk. He lives for his walks. Doesn't matter what time of day - he LOVES to go. It is a great payoff for me too. It gets rid of the gas and it helps work "things" out.
Ta Ta for now!
1 comment:
I am so glad you found a palace and you are excited about it don't you freight I will come to your house if I have to do the Army crawl!!! love you I will call to get more info on the house!
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