Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Double Big Gulp Day!

Ralph is still dealing with the residual bits of his miserable cold, we have spent a lot of our free time at the hospital with Ralph's Mom and I am dealing with the "gotta start packing" blues.  Definitely calls for a Double Big Gulp.  I slept in until 9:30 a.m.  I of course was up until midnight - so I needed the extra sleep.  Riley didn't mind the extra sleep either.  I woke up to snow - again only a skiff, but it makes things feel colder than it really is.  We have also had quite a bit of wind.  BRRR!  As much as I wish for spring weather, I realized we are no where near finished with winter.   

The Dr.'s have decided to move Ralph's Mom back to the ICU.  The pneumonia has gotten worse.  Understanding that it needs to run its course, I think it could have been helped a little more than it has.  The Dr.'s are upping the antibiotics and at least in the ICU there will be a nurse that will help her get up and walk.  It should help move the "crap" out of her lungs and get the fluids moving so her lungs don't fill up with the icky stuff.  The heart rate and rhythm has improved greatly.  It has been hard to see her there and have the pneumonia get worse.  Keep her in your prayers.

So while Ralph was at the hospital this morning, I spent my time making a couple of birthday cards for a couple of the "dudes" in our family.  I think they turned out great and since they don't read my blog, I feel comfortable in sharing them with you.  Pirates may not be the trend right now, but I still like them.

Well, the day is passing and I need to get some other things done.  Have a great day!  Ta Ta for now.

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