I don't think the last 24 hours could be so chock full of stuff, but it has been. Here is a run down...
Last night we went to Ralph's Moms and brought dinner to her. A pasta salad and homeade breadsticks. We kept the flavors mild so that the change from hospital food to real food would not be too shocking to her system. I was also able to help her do her hair. She isn't strong enough yet to hold her arms up long enough to wash and curl her hair. We washed, dryed and curled her hair. If I do say so myself, I did a pretty good job. Years of watching my mother do her hair definitely helped.
We learned that one of Ralph's brother's was in the hospital with some pretty serious issues. From an infection in his gut caused by a poor hernia fix that took place years ago - to bladder, kidney and prostate issues. Poor guy. Ralph and a couple of his other brothers spent a good part of this morning giving him a blessing and spending some time with him. He didn't want to tell anybody because he didn't want to take the attention away from Mom. Phew - what are we going to do with the Curtis'
I packed boxes and ran a few errands to day. Still not in my groove to get a lot done. I didn't want to leave the move to the last minute but I am sure heading there fast. Riley got to play with Willy and Gus all morning as well as last night. He sure is tired. All he has wanted to do since he got home was be held and cuddle with his peeps. That didn't help, because when Ralph got home, all we wanted to do was take a nap. Crazy. I resisted and got a few things done. That all ended when Ralph and I left for a date.
I know, can you believe it - we got to go on a date. We went to Smashburger. I love a good hamburger and I love this place, but tonight it did not hit the spot as it normally does. Never the less it was a hamburger so I did enjoy it. We then drove out to the south end of the valley to the IMAX theater to watch Avatar. Oh my goodness it was absolutely amazing. The 3D experience totally made it! SPOILERS Of course the movie had all the cliches you could think of...the "marine", the scientist, the money monger, the hero, the falling in love with a girl, the Dad that doesn't trust him, the warrior who was promised to the daughter....
I totally got sucked in and loved every minute of it despite the unoriginal, predictable plot.
This is where the note to self comes in. When I got online to purchase the tickets I thought I was buying tickets in the back of the theater - oh no...it was the front. So as I sat there with my cool 3D glasses on, in my seat in the middle of the row three rows back from the screen, I started to feel nauseous. With my full belly of hamburger and fries and the sensations coming from the movie made me feel really off balance. I am sure the caffeine from my soda didn't help. I just thought it would help me stay awake. Now, I am a person that rides roller coasters over and over and over as we go up down around and upside down. I never have problems with "moving sensations". In fact, I have watched 3D movies before, but it was from the back of the theater. This time I was miserable. So I ended up watching part of the movie without my glasses, which wasn't so bad, but I missed out on all those great graphics.
So.. Note to self -
1. Do not eat a full meal before watching a 3D movie.
2. Do not sit in the front of the theater.
3. Pay better attention to the seating chart so you can tell the back from the front of the theater when selecting seats. On a side note - as Ralph listened to the conversations around us, I was not the only one who was confused by the seating chart. Trust me, I will never make that mistake again.
We are home and I am still feeling a little woozy - ugh. Riley was very glad to see us. We are heading to bed to read the Sunday School lesson and get some rest.
Ta Ta for now.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Packing Boxes and stuff
I wonder what it feels like to not stress. It seems like everyday there is a deadline, a push to get something done, an extra assignment loaded on to the already big to do list, or just wondering how you will get through the day. You end up wishing your time away, just so you get past whatever the stress was and then you look back and wonder how the time went by so fast. On that note - I had my yearly review. I thought it went well and the bosses were very complimentary. I just hope I can keep up with their opinions! Even though they had good things to say there was a lot of "pressures" added as they told me what their expectations were for me in the coming year. It would be nice if they added some money to the salary!
Ralph's Mom comes home from the hospital tomorrow. Yeah! We have been so worried about her. The ICU took good care of her and now she gets to be in her own home and bed before the weekend.
We have started packing and going through things. When we moved before everything just got shoved into a box...this time we are taking the opportunity to go through our things and get rid of stuff we don't need or use anymore. Even though it is hard...it will be good. I just hope in my haste, that I don't get rid of something I might want.
Riley knows something is up and it has been stressing him. He doesn't like to see things get put into boxes and get put away. If I thought I didn't like change - Riley is one that is worse than me.
Ralph is finally getting over his respiratory illness - doesn't have a name because he didn't go to the doctor, but I am pretty sure there was/is a sinus infection some bronchitus stuff going on. I know he doesn't handle stress either. It will be really good to have this move over and things settled in.
Past my bedtime so Ta Ta for now.
Ralph's Mom comes home from the hospital tomorrow. Yeah! We have been so worried about her. The ICU took good care of her and now she gets to be in her own home and bed before the weekend.
We have started packing and going through things. When we moved before everything just got shoved into a box...this time we are taking the opportunity to go through our things and get rid of stuff we don't need or use anymore. Even though it is hard...it will be good. I just hope in my haste, that I don't get rid of something I might want.
Riley knows something is up and it has been stressing him. He doesn't like to see things get put into boxes and get put away. If I thought I didn't like change - Riley is one that is worse than me.
Ralph is finally getting over his respiratory illness - doesn't have a name because he didn't go to the doctor, but I am pretty sure there was/is a sinus infection some bronchitus stuff going on. I know he doesn't handle stress either. It will be really good to have this move over and things settled in.
Past my bedtime so Ta Ta for now.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Words of Advice
So we turned on the football games today. I know, I know it is Sunday and I should be focusing on other things. As I turned the channel to find the games Ralph thought it necessary to remind me that the sport of football does not involve figure skates. I haven't even watched that many figure skating events, he just really hates them. Poor dude!
My sweet tooth has taken over today. I gotta have a sweety! Since I couldn't find an ounce of chocolate around our house, I made oatmeal cranberry orange cookies. They turned out to be rather tasty. I sampled the cookie dough as I mixed them up and then I sampled the finished product (several times). I have officially satisfied my cravings for sweets today. I love homeade cookies and a glass of cold milk. Comfort food!
The RS Enrichment couselor asked me to teach a homemaking lesson for the month of February on keeping a clean, beautiful home where the spirit can reside. Yikes! I even said yes. What am I thinking - Like I need another assignment on top of moving and setting up a new home.
Ralph's Mom is doing much better today. We went for a visit after church and took her for a walk around the unit. She was tired when we finished, but her heart rate was still in a good spot when we were done. She had been sitting up in a chair for a few hour this morning and when we got back from our walk she had them put her in her chair as well. That is a so good. We are anxious for her to be home and healthy.
I am off to clean up my cookie dishes and then maybe sit down and create a card. Everything has to be packed up after today so it is my last chance to play a little bit.
Ta Ta for now!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A Double Big Gulp Day!
Ralph is still dealing with the residual bits of his miserable cold, we have spent a lot of our free time at the hospital with Ralph's Mom and I am dealing with the "gotta start packing" blues. Definitely calls for a Double Big Gulp. I slept in until 9:30 a.m. I of course was up until midnight - so I needed the extra sleep. Riley didn't mind the extra sleep either. I woke up to snow - again only a skiff, but it makes things feel colder than it really is. We have also had quite a bit of wind. BRRR! As much as I wish for spring weather, I realized we are no where near finished with winter.
The Dr.'s have decided to move Ralph's Mom back to the ICU. The pneumonia has gotten worse. Understanding that it needs to run its course, I think it could have been helped a little more than it has. The Dr.'s are upping the antibiotics and at least in the ICU there will be a nurse that will help her get up and walk. It should help move the "crap" out of her lungs and get the fluids moving so her lungs don't fill up with the icky stuff. The heart rate and rhythm has improved greatly. It has been hard to see her there and have the pneumonia get worse. Keep her in your prayers.
So while Ralph was at the hospital this morning, I spent my time making a couple of birthday cards for a couple of the "dudes" in our family. I think they turned out great and since they don't read my blog, I feel comfortable in sharing them with you. Pirates may not be the trend right now, but I still like them.
Well, the day is passing and I need to get some other things done. Have a great day! Ta Ta for now.
The Dr.'s have decided to move Ralph's Mom back to the ICU. The pneumonia has gotten worse. Understanding that it needs to run its course, I think it could have been helped a little more than it has. The Dr.'s are upping the antibiotics and at least in the ICU there will be a nurse that will help her get up and walk. It should help move the "crap" out of her lungs and get the fluids moving so her lungs don't fill up with the icky stuff. The heart rate and rhythm has improved greatly. It has been hard to see her there and have the pneumonia get worse. Keep her in your prayers.
So while Ralph was at the hospital this morning, I spent my time making a couple of birthday cards for a couple of the "dudes" in our family. I think they turned out great and since they don't read my blog, I feel comfortable in sharing them with you. Pirates may not be the trend right now, but I still like them.
Monday, January 18, 2010
MLK Monday
Only in Utah does it snow over night - clear the air of the nasty inversion - and then everyone runs around in shorts and sweatshirts because the temp is about 40F. Ralph says - it feels like spring is on its way. After looking at the forecast for the coming week I had to break the news to him that we have more snow and rain on the way. I am ok with that. At least the air is no longer "Chunky"
Ralph's Mom is being checked in to the hospital today due to pneumonia and an irregular heart rhythm. She had the same exact symptoms a couple of years ago, but the doctors didn't know that the penumonia was casuing the heart issues -so they did all kinds of things to her to get her heart back to where it should be. Hopefully, this time her stay will not be too long. I worry about her.
We are finally taking down Christmas decorations. Yeah! Also laundry and cleaning a few things in the house. Not the best way to spend a day off, but it beats sitting at my desk at work.
Ralph's Mom is being checked in to the hospital today due to pneumonia and an irregular heart rhythm. She had the same exact symptoms a couple of years ago, but the doctors didn't know that the penumonia was casuing the heart issues -so they did all kinds of things to her to get her heart back to where it should be. Hopefully, this time her stay will not be too long. I worry about her.
We are finally taking down Christmas decorations. Yeah! Also laundry and cleaning a few things in the house. Not the best way to spend a day off, but it beats sitting at my desk at work.
Here are the three projects we did in stamp club - I know you have been dying to see them. I CASE'd (copy and share everything) the two cards. I say why reinvent when I am in a hurry some one else has done the work. Right? Anyway - I did put my own touch to them to make them somewhat mine. I used exclusively stampin up product. If you have any questions - feel free to email me or comment. I have commited (to myself) in addition to the card I try to send out every month to my Mother, I have committed to get home made cards sent out for everyones b-day. Thanks for the inspiration Susan! - the smudges are from my club members "mits" Happens everytime. :)
Well, I must be getting on with my chores. Ta Ta for now
Sunday, January 17, 2010
IF - tiny word - big meaning
If is such a tiny little word, but so much meaning behind it. If I do this then...well you fill in the blanks. Life is full of choices, and they seem to get harder as I go.
Time has once again flown by...I am so glad I have another day attached to my weekend to make it a 3-day'er. My stamping group did ok yesterday. I think my cards were a bit too complex for some of them. I feel bad. I get tired of doing simple and cute and these had many steps to them. The card that actually took them the longest, came together rather quickly for me. You never really know. When the sun comes out tomorrow I will take pictures and post them.
Ralph stayed home from church today - still not feeling well. He finally let me get him some meds from the pharmacist. You know - the ones that have all the ingredients to make meth so you have to wait in line at the pharmacy counter and sign all your privacy away just so you can feel better. Anyway - he has finally been able to sleep. I made a yummy potato and leek soup yesterday. We had that and some great sourdough bread. Not as good as Gary's, but in a pinch it worked great. Ralph wasn't real hip on the soup idea, but once he ate it, he realized it was what he had been wanting. Warm and comforting. (note to Ralph - should listen to wife more often)
It was a harder day at church than I thought it was going to be. I have tried to convince myself that we can slip out the back door and nobody will really miss us or notice that we are gone. The bishop asked me how and I was, and I thought I was fine until I had to answer the question. He had me in tears as well as a very good friend of mine. I am being ripped from everything that is now comfortable. To be honest - as much as it hurts and scares me - I really feel like the Lord has other plans for us
Well - I need to drag Riley around a few blocks for both of our sanities. (He won't leave me alone)
Ta Ta for now
Time has once again flown by...I am so glad I have another day attached to my weekend to make it a 3-day'er. My stamping group did ok yesterday. I think my cards were a bit too complex for some of them. I feel bad. I get tired of doing simple and cute and these had many steps to them. The card that actually took them the longest, came together rather quickly for me. You never really know. When the sun comes out tomorrow I will take pictures and post them.
Well - I need to drag Riley around a few blocks for both of our sanities. (He won't leave me alone)
Ta Ta for now
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Another day has come and gone
Oh my goodness - I made it through the day and I still have my sanity. We put on our skit at work and it was a complete success. We had the whole audience laughing. That makes it almost worth the time and stress you put into putting it all together.
Last night, I was so wound up about the skit and everything else going on that I couldn't get to sleep. It took a little bit of Classical guitar and a warm soft doggy to finally doze off around 2:00a.m. I seriously need to learn how to not stress too much. It doesn't help or solve the problem.
Ralph has come down with a cold. Yuck. I keep him on the living room couch until he can breath properly and is no longer contageous. I can't afford to get a cold now. Colds are no fun!
I found an ice cream to add to my favorites list. Dreyers loaded butterfinger ice cream. Wow - I like butterfinger candy bars, so I thought we would try some. Especially since Ralph suggested that a little bit of ice cream would feel good on his throat. You don't have to tell me twice to pick out some ice cream. It has got swirls of peanut butter and chunks of butterfinger. It is totally yummy. If you like butterfingers - you should try this ice cream.
Well, I am off to do some paper creation.
Ta Ta for Now!
Last night, I was so wound up about the skit and everything else going on that I couldn't get to sleep. It took a little bit of Classical guitar and a warm soft doggy to finally doze off around 2:00a.m. I seriously need to learn how to not stress too much. It doesn't help or solve the problem.
Ralph has come down with a cold. Yuck. I keep him on the living room couch until he can breath properly and is no longer contageous. I can't afford to get a cold now. Colds are no fun!
I found an ice cream to add to my favorites list. Dreyers loaded butterfinger ice cream. Wow - I like butterfinger candy bars, so I thought we would try some. Especially since Ralph suggested that a little bit of ice cream would feel good on his throat. You don't have to tell me twice to pick out some ice cream. It has got swirls of peanut butter and chunks of butterfinger. It is totally yummy. If you like butterfingers - you should try this ice cream.
Well, I am off to do some paper creation.
Ta Ta for Now!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Help I Can't Breathe
Salt Lake City has the worst air quality in the whole country. Ugh! I look out the 19th floor window at work and can see the thick air that we have to breathe everyday. Oh, it looks gross. I pray for wind or a good storm to come through and get rid of it. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow night - lets just hope it is enough to clear the air.
We have found a place to live.
We are putting on a skit at work for a 2 hour meeting we have this week. Hopefully, it will break up a very mundane meeting. We made it through skit practice today. I dont' ususally like to embarrass myself, but this is going to be a whopper. I will be so glad when this is over.
I finished another book today - Mortal Friends by Jane Hitchcock. Not a bad mystery. I thought I had it completely figured out, but I was way off. Language - not too bad. The plot didn't stay real close the the original murder mystery, but it had a lot of social intrigue. A "girl" mystery book. I call in chic brain candy. I would recommend it for anyone needing a break from real life.
Well, I am off to practice lines and then take Riley for a walk. He lives for his walks. Doesn't matter what time of day - he LOVES to go. It is a great payoff for me too. It gets rid of the gas and it helps work "things" out.
Ta Ta for now!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A better outlook
I had such a hard time getting to sleep last night...
just could not shut my brain off. I was so excited to take a look at this house Ralph found and to be done with the house hunting thing. I also stressed about making sure I would be prepared to teach about the prophet Abraham on Sunday.(Anyone who claims to completely understand that part of the PofGP is lying!) and wondering how I was going to fit in everything today. Usually I can turn it off, but for some reason last night I couldn't. The last time I looked at the clock was 2:30a.m. So when I finally woke up this morning it was 9:50 a.m. My morning was shot!
After breakfast (grape juice and a few pretzels) we drove to the house. It was a definite fixer upper and after calling the agent on the for sale sign we learned the rental notice we saw on the internet was a huge phishing scam. Thank goodness Ralph has his head on straight and didn't send any personal info. We looked at another one that sounded like a great place to rent. When we pulled into the driveway we noticed that there were gang markings on the garage and garbage cans. It wasn't as big as I had imagined and looked pretty run down. So those two options being veto'd we were back to square one. We spent the next hour driving around certain neighborhoods we wouldn't mind living in. We found one that we can call on - not crazy about it. I have been on the internet looking this afternoon and found one that is a lot closer to the area we would like to live in and a much better option. It is at the top of our price range, but I feel that if it is right for us Heavenly Father will help us find a way to make ends meet. We have an appointment to look at it later this evening or tomorrow - what ever can be arranged by the owner. The madness continues!
I have been hashing a few ideas out for card sqamples for Saturday. I have some pretty good ideas. My problem is narrowing it down to 3 relativley easy projects. Fun times.

Well - I hope you have a great Saturday evening
Ta Ta for now!
After breakfast (grape juice and a few pretzels) we drove to the house. It was a definite fixer upper and after calling the agent on the for sale sign we learned the rental notice we saw on the internet was a huge phishing scam. Thank goodness Ralph has his head on straight and didn't send any personal info. We looked at another one that sounded like a great place to rent. When we pulled into the driveway we noticed that there were gang markings on the garage and garbage cans. It wasn't as big as I had imagined and looked pretty run down. So those two options being veto'd we were back to square one. We spent the next hour driving around certain neighborhoods we wouldn't mind living in. We found one that we can call on - not crazy about it. I have been on the internet looking this afternoon and found one that is a lot closer to the area we would like to live in and a much better option. It is at the top of our price range, but I feel that if it is right for us Heavenly Father will help us find a way to make ends meet. We have an appointment to look at it later this evening or tomorrow - what ever can be arranged by the owner. The madness continues!
I have been hashing a few ideas out for card sqamples for Saturday. I have some pretty good ideas. My problem is narrowing it down to 3 relativley easy projects. Fun times.
Well - I hope you have a great Saturday evening
Ta Ta for now!
Friday, January 8, 2010
I have too much to do this weekend. I was talking to a friend at work and he asked me what we would be doing this weekend. I proceeded to tell him my list (i love lists - don't you?)
- look for a place to live
- prepare a Sunday School lesson
- memorize lines for a skit (work thing - long story)
- prepare for a stampin class for next weekend
- clean house -
- find boxes to start packing
- grocery shopping
I had bookgroup last night. We have such a good time together just talking and comparing notes on "family" and activities. What I love most is that we actually discuss books. This month we read The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It has been on the best sellers list for quite some time. Although it is an ok read - I don't necessarily know why it is on the best seller list. I guess the best seller list has more to do with marketing than whether a book is that good. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the read. The author had a tendency to build up to a "moment" and then nothing would happen. There were a couple of chapters I wondered why they were there. If she would have followed up with the incident it would have made a lot more sense. It was those build ups that kept me reading to find out what was going to happen. But I had to create my own resolutions to some of story lines. The characters were redeemed and ended on a good note. I love happy endings..period. Would I recommend it...sure. But I wouldn't set high expectations - you will probably enjoy it more.
Well - I need to go round up something for dinner. What sounds good to you? I can always eat a burger, but that isn't on the menu, so I am off to find something healthier.
Ta Ta for now
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Do you make resolutions? I don't necessarily use January as a goal setting month. I try to set goals for myself throughout the whole year. One thing January brings that is frustrating to me is the attendence at the gym doubles for about 2 to 3 months and then it tapers off. So unless I go at odd hours or show up way early in the morning, I have to wait for an exercise machine.
Here is a top ten list I found on the internet (seriously you can find anything on the internet!)
Most Popular New Year's Resolutions of 2010
110,623 people have made 253,162 resolutions. Here are the most popular:
1.lose weight 2616 people
2.be happy 1698 people
3.Fall in love 1314 people
4.get a job 1298 people
5.travel 923 people
6.Quit Smoking 745 people
7.get married 613 people
8.love 580 people
9.find love 554 people
10.lose my virginity 529 people
Not really surprising, but not very original. I would place bets that Lose weight is the top item every year.
This year I have started a list of things I would like to do during my lifetime. Not a bucket list, but a dream list. I have to admit that I had a hard time starting my list. Our resources have been so limited that my current goals have been to get through to the next month. This list has been kind of fun to think about. I also have listed some things I need to apply more of my time doing. Some of the things I have listed I probably won't ever get accomplished, but it is fun to think I might. Here are a few...
I think it would be fun to perform in a concert playing Handel's Messiah singing or fluting.
I would love to go on a week long backpacking trip in the wilderness.
I want to go back to Great Britain - spend some more time touring the country and getting to know my extended family.
I want to own my own home with a fabulous kitchen.
I want to learn how to speak Italian fluently.
I want to be a Mom!
Go on a mission for the LDS Church
See a play on Broadway
Complete my college education
Have a moment so romantic - it brings tears to my eyes
Fly first class
Learn to figure skate (ha ha ha)
Win a Stampin Up contest
Spend a few nights in a hotel's Penthouse Suite
Learn to Hula - beautifully
Go to a Utah Bowl Game
Test drive a Ferrari or Lamborghini
Hike the Nepali coast
And so on....
I hope as you think about what you would like to accomplish in this 2010 year, that everyone tries to be a little nicer, and each of us try to make each day a little better than the day before.
Ta Ta for now.
Here is a top ten list I found on the internet (seriously you can find anything on the internet!)
Most Popular New Year's Resolutions of 2010
110,623 people have made 253,162 resolutions. Here are the most popular:
1.lose weight 2616 people
2.be happy 1698 people
3.Fall in love 1314 people
4.get a job 1298 people
5.travel 923 people
6.Quit Smoking 745 people
7.get married 613 people
8.love 580 people
9.find love 554 people
10.lose my virginity 529 people
Not really surprising, but not very original. I would place bets that Lose weight is the top item every year.
This year I have started a list of things I would like to do during my lifetime. Not a bucket list, but a dream list. I have to admit that I had a hard time starting my list. Our resources have been so limited that my current goals have been to get through to the next month. This list has been kind of fun to think about. I also have listed some things I need to apply more of my time doing. Some of the things I have listed I probably won't ever get accomplished, but it is fun to think I might. Here are a few...
I think it would be fun to perform in a concert playing Handel's Messiah singing or fluting.
I would love to go on a week long backpacking trip in the wilderness.
I want to go back to Great Britain - spend some more time touring the country and getting to know my extended family.
I want to own my own home with a fabulous kitchen.
I want to learn how to speak Italian fluently.
I want to be a Mom!
Go on a mission for the LDS Church
See a play on Broadway
Complete my college education
Have a moment so romantic - it brings tears to my eyes
Fly first class
Learn to figure skate (ha ha ha)
Win a Stampin Up contest
Spend a few nights in a hotel's Penthouse Suite
Learn to Hula - beautifully
Go to a Utah Bowl Game
Test drive a Ferrari or Lamborghini
Hike the Nepali coast
And so on....
I hope as you think about what you would like to accomplish in this 2010 year, that everyone tries to be a little nicer, and each of us try to make each day a little better than the day before.
Ta Ta for now.
Monday, January 4, 2010
A new year of changes
Life never seems to be dull. We had a great holiday season. We drove to Idaho and spent time with my family. I got some reading done and some relaxation in. We did get quite a bit of snow while we were there. The bulk of the snow cam on New Years Eve/Day I took a couple of pictures from the front door and looking into the front entrance of my moms home the day we left. Some of the snow you see is from roof of the house.
It is always nice to take a trip away, but it is always nice to come home.
While we were away we received an email from our neighbor who rents the other side of the duplex we live in. They informed us that the house had been sold and that the new owner probably would move in to our side of the duplex. With that happening - means we have to move. So we have until the end of February to find a place, come up with the funds for a deposit and move. Happy new year to us!
Actually, we knew the place we were living was not going to be long term. When we had to move from our apartment we looked for a place - any place that would work. I contacted a friend of mine who had a house they were trying to decide about whether they wanted to sell it or rent it out. We told them we needed a place we could rent - at least until Ralph finished his bishop calling. They let us have it. After about a year- 2008 fall - the house had been put up for sale and listed with a high price. No bites - took the for sale sign down. 2009 fall - house went back up for sale, Ralph was released from the bishopric in November and the house was under contract the end of Nov. They closed right before Christmas and now we are looking for somewhere to live. I really feel like God directed us to the home we currently live in. As we look for a new place to live, I think we will be guided to where we need to be and where we will be happy.
Work - is crazy. I need to catch up from being gone. It was only a few days, but the work will feel like 2 weeks. I also have to write a silly skit for a presentation we are doing next week. I want to make some good impressions - not doing so great.
To be honest - I really have missed my papercrafting. I can't wait to dive back in and prepare for my next class. Don't know what I am doing yet, but I think I better get it done early so that I can pack and prepare for an upcoming move.
Well - enough for today.
Ta Ta for now!
It is always nice to take a trip away, but it is always nice to come home.
While we were away we received an email from our neighbor who rents the other side of the duplex we live in. They informed us that the house had been sold and that the new owner probably would move in to our side of the duplex. With that happening - means we have to move. So we have until the end of February to find a place, come up with the funds for a deposit and move. Happy new year to us!
Actually, we knew the place we were living was not going to be long term. When we had to move from our apartment we looked for a place - any place that would work. I contacted a friend of mine who had a house they were trying to decide about whether they wanted to sell it or rent it out. We told them we needed a place we could rent - at least until Ralph finished his bishop calling. They let us have it. After about a year- 2008 fall - the house had been put up for sale and listed with a high price. No bites - took the for sale sign down. 2009 fall - house went back up for sale, Ralph was released from the bishopric in November and the house was under contract the end of Nov. They closed right before Christmas and now we are looking for somewhere to live. I really feel like God directed us to the home we currently live in. As we look for a new place to live, I think we will be guided to where we need to be and where we will be happy.
Work - is crazy. I need to catch up from being gone. It was only a few days, but the work will feel like 2 weeks. I also have to write a silly skit for a presentation we are doing next week. I want to make some good impressions - not doing so great.
To be honest - I really have missed my papercrafting. I can't wait to dive back in and prepare for my next class. Don't know what I am doing yet, but I think I better get it done early so that I can pack and prepare for an upcoming move.
Well - enough for today.
Ta Ta for now!
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