Do you have that specific "thing" in your life that just seems to suck whatever free time you have away? I just can't seem to keep up with this blogging thing, even though I love doing it. Thanks to my faithful friends who stick with me.
Christmas season has hit and we have been sucked into that vortex. The house is decorated, I have made a batch of stollen and am looking forward to making treats for delivery this weekend. This year is fudge. Aztec, rum raisin, fruited almond, orange nut. I like the penuche as well, but don't know if we will get that far. I love smelling the sugar and evaporated milk boiling on the stove.
Here is a picture of my Christmas cactus..Full bloom and gorgeous. I have a scarlet pink one next to it that is just starting to bud.
We were lucky enough to be able to attend the Tabernacle Choir concert this week. Alfie Boe is just amazing. He sang Bring Him Home from Les Miserables. Just incredible. Tom Brokaw narrated the story of the candy bomber. The next thing you know, the pilot was on stage and chocolate bars were falling from the ceiling. It was really neat. The lights on temple square were amazing as always.
Christmas season has hit and we have been sucked into that vortex. The house is decorated, I have made a batch of stollen and am looking forward to making treats for delivery this weekend. This year is fudge. Aztec, rum raisin, fruited almond, orange nut. I like the penuche as well, but don't know if we will get that far. I love smelling the sugar and evaporated milk boiling on the stove.
The stake president assigned the stake RS to be in charge of an RS choir for stake conference. I am thinking...really - considering that meeting are the first Sunday of January that leaves December. Who has time? Extra time or not I am headed to the stake center tonight for practice. I am hoping to fit a little Christmas card making in before bed.

It happens to be one of the highlights of the Christmas season for me.
Here is a shot of Riley I took the other morning He is soooo not a morning doggie. Can you tell he is spoiled rotten?!
Dinner group was at our house Monday night. We served a cold platter with vegetables and shrimp as well as fresh biscuits from the oven with butter and freezer jam. Main course was cornmeal crusted catfish on a bed of herbed rice, pea puree and barbecue sauce. Sounds wierd, but trust me, it is delicious. We talked about Christmas Carols and Math. (that post is to come) Dessert was a pecan pie with a dollop of whipped cream. I think I have perfected the pecan pie. Two of the ladies that asked for small portions came back for seconds. I finished it the next morning for breakfast. So tasty! No pictures - got eaten before I could think about it.
We attended a cousins 60th birthday party this week. She threw quite the bash for everyone. The highlight for me was seeing all my favorite cousins.
We raided the candy table together and caught up on all the goings on in our lives. I am so glad we got to see each other.

Tracy and Kristin His mannerisms reminded me so much of my Dad and Grandpa Roscoe. I know that he looks a lot like Uncle Thayne, as he should. I wish there was more time to visit and see everyone. Yvette and her family, Janae and her family, Bonnie and Shirl were there as well. I did try to track down the star of the show. I don't think she even sat down to eat.

Tracy and Kristin His mannerisms reminded me so much of my Dad and Grandpa Roscoe. I know that he looks a lot like Uncle Thayne, as he should. I wish there was more time to visit and see everyone. Yvette and her family, Janae and her family, Bonnie and Shirl were there as well. I did try to track down the star of the show. I don't think she even sat down to eat.
Maybe the next time Mom comes to visit, we can have a party at our house or a place that we can all get together. I love my crazy outgoing family!
1 comment:
Just hafta say ... I wanna be in your dinner group!! YUM!!
Thanks for sharing all the pix ... so fun to see! :)
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