Friday, July 1, 2011

A Boat Without a Paddle

I have to admit, I looked at the calendar early this week, completely with a focus of taking care of work issues and was shocked when I found out that I got Monday off for the 4th of July.Smiley from  Really?  Already?  What happened to June?  With this weekend being a holiday - in my mind that translates into play time, picnics, fishing trips, camping, family craziness, and just a raucous good time.

So now as we head into the weekend I find myself without a plan...Yikes!  This is unchartered territory for me.  How will I manage?  One of two scenerios...
1.  I make it through the weekend with no major activites feeling like I wasted my free time because we just "hung out".
2.  I find myself back to work on Tuesday feeling completely rested because I found the perfect balance of play time, chore time and rest, ready to tackle another month of craziness.  (gotta throw in a few chores)

Time will tell, but I hope it is the second option. 

I actually hope to get some stamping time, to work on convention projects and a few birthday cards.  I also hope we get a little of recreation time in...see the fireworks, maybe see a movie or go for a drive, eat some yummy food, and enjoy the company of each other and our dog.

Ta Ta for now

PS  I do have a double batch of dough proofing in the fridge so that we can prepare something yummy with it.  I guess that is a good start.

1 comment:

Wendy Weixler said...

Wanna come over and PLAY??? We could even BBQ on Monday and go the fireworks at Sugarhouse Park ... :)