Within a half hour of arriving - I knew I should have stayed home. I started to have more computer problems which made my work next to impossible to do. Between the times of having to reboot my computer, I was able to accomplish some things. The ICS person that I was working with decided to re-image my computer. I now have Windows 7 which definitely has a learning curve. We just need to move a few more things over from the old hard drive in the morning and then it will be finished. So by the end of the day things started to pick up until I went to authorize the days work and found that our new-new guy still doesn't get it. A lot of his work will have to be redone. So now I get to spend a day with him which means another day of my work put on hold. How does that song go..."Got Me Under Pressure" Yeah thats the one. I think I need a hot tub - anybody got one? I also found out the managers are authorizing overtime until the end of the year. So much coming in - not enough staff to handle it.
I came home later than planned today because of my late discovery at work - ate a quick dinner and jumped right in to working on getting the house company ready as well as ready for the owner and insurance inspector to arrive at 10 tomorrow morning to have a look around. I honestly wonder if things will ever slow down. I have a few things left to do before bedtime - so I will wrap up my comments today with a quote I found on someone's blog. I think it sums today up perfectly.
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.” -Buddha
Ta Ta for now
Oh my .... hugs, my friend. It WILL get done, you WILL survive it, and you WILL have extra $$ for Christmas!! (Let us be thankful, right???) Hang in there, baby! :)
man your life is non stop fun or at least non stop I cant believe it is already Tuesday see you in a couple days!
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