Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Answers to Greek Mythology

If anyone is interested...here are the answers to the Greek Mythology questions posed in a previous post. (say that three times fast)

Our dinner group failed miserably.  I got the best score and I know nothing about Greek mythology save a few movies and books I have seen.
1.  Zeus
2. Hera
3. The Sea
4.  Ares - Zeus & Hera
5.  Aphrodite & Hephaistos
6. Athena - Athens
7. Sun/Moon
8.  Hades - River Styx
9.  Prometheus
10. Delphi the Oracle
11. Blind
12. Posieden
13. Paris
14. Hercules
15. Alpha and Omega
16.  Moses
17.  I will leave that to your imagination :)

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