To answer that question....Yes. I moved from the COB (church office building) to the NOB (north office building) today. To be honest I am not overly excited about it. There are a great many things I will miss about working in the COB. In no particular order...
- The "Elevate Your Thoughts" messages in the elevators
- The windows
- Looking out the south windows to the plaza gardens - breathtaking
- Riding in the elevators with general authority's
- Seeing my friends and acquaintances that I have worked with for years that don't necessarily work in my department.
- A quick trip to the cafeteria
- The fast elevators
I know that we are trying to put into action a plan the Bishopric has put together. They want to centralize a lot of the processes that have, at one time, been farmed out to the area offices or various managers. There will be a lot of new rules and quotas to meet. Most of the managers/directors are really bucking. They don't want to be "assimilated" I can understand completely. New things are scary. I am trying to stay on the positive side, so here are good things about all this "stuff"
- If I get to work early enough I can park within, anywhere from ,10 to 50 yards of the building entrance
- I still have access to the underground parking at the COB
- I still have access to the cafeteria
- I really like my current boss
- I get to work with people I like
- There will be (at least I have been told) opportunities to "move up"
- Change is good?
- I still have a job!
Well... I will leave you with a teaser for upcoming posts - dinner party at our house on Friday, Easter decorations, Chuch spring gardens, general conference and a book group over nighter.
Ta Ta for now
you scared me when you said that you were moving I thought you meant your house! i hope it goes well in the new building!